Sunday, November 27, 2016

Jeong Soo-hyun / Dungeons and Dragons can be good for you/ Wed 34


  1. The speech is well constructed overall. Despite being in the worst environment to present a speech the emphasis did stand out and the voice was clear. Also the content was really interesting, there were good reasons why you should play a board game. It is unfortunate that the visual aid was too small to see in the video and if it were not for those papers in front of the speaker, the speech would have been a much much better one.

  2. The speech, as always, was interesting with her enthusiasm clearly shown in the presentation itself. Her vocal variaty, although wasn't as clear with the background noise, was still audible
    It would have been better if she didn't stare at the paper in front of her so often, but despite that, her presentation was a high-class one overall.
