Saturday, November 26, 2016

Minyoung Jang / ass 1 / wed 3-4


  1. Title : What is Media?
    Evaluator : EunYoung Kim
    Date : 12/02

    • Topic Selection: __Facilitated vocal variety _v_Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Volume: _v_Excellent __Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
    • Rate: __Excellent, varied _v_Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
    • Pitch: _v_Varied conversational __Satisfactory __Monotonous, artificial
    • Quality: _v_Pleasant, friendly __Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
    • Pauses: __Appropriate, effective _v_Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Expressiveness: _v_Conveyed emotion, meaning __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Vocal Variety: _v_Enhanced speech __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Organization: _v_Logical flow of ideas __Satisfactory __Should Improve
    • Word Usage: __Vivid, descriptive, accurate _v_Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Body Language: _v_Natural, expressive __Satisfactory __Unnatural, distracting

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    She could have used a bit more various words and terms regarding media.

    • What did you like about the speech?
    I liked that she used a lot of body language and emphasized many important parts during her speech, which allowed the audience to understand her speech easily.

  2. Ohyeji: I think the gesture was really good that it helps delivery better. Also, simple and efficient ppt also could attract people's attention. Pause was really good but sometime pauses more than needed. It makes peopole focus on the presentation but sometimes confused whether the sentence is important or not. I think her body language is her advantage and really make people concentrate on her speech. It was good
