Friday, November 25, 2016

Jaewoo Yoo/ Assignment 2/ Wed 3 4


  1. Ohyeji : the presentation was well organized and I could know that you are interested and know well about the topic. However, the video is skewed so a little bit hard to see with the computer. Because you memorized and didn't use the script, delivery was good.

  2. First of all, I would like to say that the whole structure of the presentation was great. What I liked the most is how you moved on to the presentation after talking with the audience. I first thought that you were just having a communication and make a relaxing mood, so I loved how it was directly connected to what you were going to talk about.
    One thing I would like to point out is that it would have been perfectly fine to add the soundtrack in the presentation and let the audience hear it. It may have helped the audience to understand your message more effectively. Using your voice more effectively would help improve your presentation. Putting stress in some parts, for instance. Besides these points, I liked the overall presentation very much. Memorizing the presentation by heart was also impressive. Talking about what your opinion is after introducing different views about a subject was another strategy that I liked.

    201502398 Subin Lee
