Sunday, November 27, 2016

So Hyeong Kang / assignment 2 / wed 34


  1. Although it is not shown in the video, Han Sol (EICC15) and Sue Min also helped out to be my audience. Since Ha Young's video was filmed right before me, you can check their presence on her video. (This video was filmed by Ha young)

  2. So Hyeong seemed a little bit unprepared compared to the other presentation she gave last time. Most of the times, she read it from the script, but otherwise, it was a good presentation. She was audible, used good body postures, paused often to let the audience comprehend the content of her speech. The topic, 'women's position in Korean society', was interesting and I liked how she linked it to a book. She also made stress on the words, which made the presentation very engaging
