Saturday, October 15, 2016

Subin Lee/6 Psychological Concepts to Consider In a Persuasion/Wednesday 3-4

Subin Lee

*1~2 seconds are missing in the beginning of the video. ('Did you know~')

1 comment:

  1. Self Evaluation
    201502398 Subin Lee
    I think the biggest fault in my presentation is reading from the script. Because of this I had little chance of making interactions with the audience, although I tried to make eye contacts frequently. Next time I shall remember have more confidence and refrain from looking so much at the script. This time I did not use any visual aid because I thought that it wouldn't be necessary when getting my points across. However, looking at my presentation from an objective view, I admit that it would have been much better to help the audience's understandings and keep them focused if I had a PPT along with me.
    I kept it in mind to give changes in intonation, to avoid sounding monotonous.However, the speed of my talking was quite too slow, and sometimes my pronunciation wasn't articulate; I sounded like I was murmuring. I should keep in mind to use more active gestures and appropriate postures in my next presentation.
